Hello, Okisuke;

Thank you for your post. It is interesting. I live in US. Can you recommend what microscope I should get to do Live Blood Analysis? I do not have previous experience. Thanks.

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I haven't bought a darkfield microscope as the good ones with live view can cost up to a few thousand dollars. Thus, I only do it with the microscope of my naturopath which costs me 150 € per session. Even if money is not a problem, you need the experience of a health care practicioner to fully evaluate your findings.

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This is incredible. Thank you for posting this information!! What has been your experience so far with edta chelation? Am I right in seeing that you still had graphene ribbons after chelation?

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I only got 3 infusions with CaNa2EDTA. Will get my 4th one in 2 weeks and see how I feel. Yes, for some reason the other practicioner didn't want me to see this, but I found it by myself after moving the microscope slide a bit.

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i have heard Dr Ana say the ribbons are the only thing it doesn't help

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I'm trying to find a solution for this. Just need to wait for my results of the 5th EDTA chelation and then might switch over to DMSA to remove the other toxic metals. See here for more details: https://okisuke.substack.com/p/metal-toxicity-graphene-oxide-and

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It looks like the wave of dark-field microscopy that started during late-2023 in the US is going back to your findings. I have never been convinced that it's more than a part of an unidentified whole, but the latest findings come in handy with the "strings": microdots seem to be merging with RBCs and the semi-synthetic RBCs proliferate on their own. I am explaining my understanding of the finding in the 7th chapter of my article in which I attempt to create a list of methods for controlling/sickening/killing individuals and for global depopulation:


Here is the source:


What do you think about sodium citrate?

I expressed my concerns here:


And checked out its toxicology here:


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Apr 16, 2023
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Unfortunately, I can't give you any medical advice. Moreover, I got CaNA2EDTA infusions (3 times). Dr. Ana has stated that infusions are apparently more effective and therefore you get quicker results. I also understand that a chelation praciticioner might not be available in your area or that the chelation itself is too cost-intensive. I'll give my best to compile my ozone treatment which got me results immediately at the end of this week.

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