Injecting graphene oxide into animals and humans
The devastating results speak for themselves.
We ordinary people are not more worth than a mouse or a primate when it comes to the latest medical interventions.
In case you don’t know the difference between graphene and graphene oxide:
Graphene derivates: a general overview and possible ways to detox
Blood exposure to graphene oxide may cause anaphylactic death in non-human primates
GO = graphene oxide
MRSD = maximum recommended starting dose
CNM = carbon nano materials
The plandemic was announced on March 11, 2020. A coincidence?
Back to the initial study:
Groups of mice (n = 10 for each timepoint) were tail vein injected with CNM dispersions in 0.9 % sodium chloride as required. The evaluation system was composed of the following (1): blood circulation of each CNM, (2) hematologic and biomedical markers analysis at various time points, (3) major organ histopathological evaluation at 1, 7, 14 and 28 d post-administration, (4) trace element biodistribution observation at 28 d post-administration, (5) hypersensitive indicator detection at the initial 12 h after GO treatment. Before dissection, animals were anesthetized by 0.6 % pentobarbital sodium (i.p. 60 mg/kg)
Let's look at the mice. 25 mg/kg of GNMs are administered intravenously. With n=10 at each timepoint (1 h , 1 d, 7 d, 28 d) => 4 x 10 = 40
I’m assuming the worst-case scenario where a mice with a weight of 18 g (0,018 kg) gets administered these toxic carbon nanomaterials. Multiply that by 25 mg/kg to get 0,45 mg.
0,45 mg x 40 = 18 mg (after 28 d!)
The GO used in this study was synthesized as previously described. GO was further modified with six-arm branched polyethylene glycol (PEG) to increase its water dispersity and biocompatibility. [5] Atomic force microscope (AFM) images and TEM analysis (Fig. 1a and Supplementary Fig. S1, S2) showed that the GO structures were mostly single-layered sheets with a mean thickness of 1.1 nm and a size range of 20∼80 nm. Zeta potential measurements show that the GO is slightly negatively charged after PEGylation (Supplementary Table S1), generally in agreement with previous in-vivo studies.
As you can see PEG is used to cap GO. The reason is simple: PEG is soluble in water and is more biocompatible than GO.
Honestly, I don’t know what I should I say about their surprise.
GO nanoparticles can damage (non exhaustive list):
internal organs
the central nervous system
the reproduction and development system
blood healthmitochondria
According to this paper hemolysis can be explained that the negative charge of GO interact with the positively charged phosphatidylcholine lipids of erythrocytes.
I highly recommend you to read this paper in detail. To this day there has been no quantitative analysis of GO in these shots. A possible method would be SsNMR (solid state nuclear magnetic resonance) which is very challenging, because of the sample preparation. There are just too many other ingredients masking the main culprit that's killing and maiming so many people worldwide.
Japan’s Health Ministry has withdrawn 1.6 million Moderna vaccines from its rollout after foreign substances were detected in some vials. It is also investigating why two men died soon after receiving the vaccine from the suspended batches. News of the fatalities came after three batches of Moderna were withdrawn from use as a precaution.
A pharmacist in Saitama Prefecture discovered black specks in Moderna vials while checking them before use in mid-August.
"They were much smaller than sesame seeds -- less than a millimeter. They looked like slices of something and were floating inside the bottle as I shook it," said Ishii Koki.
Similar foreign substances were subsequently found in 39 unopened Moderna vials at eight vaccination sites across Japan.
Health ministry officials say the particles are likely metal as they are attracted to a magnet, and probably entered the vials during the manufacturing process at a Spanish factory.
How to make GO magnetic?
Magnetic properties of graphene oxide via a simple mixing with waste engine oil‑based carbon nanotubes
Magnetic graphene oxide: Synthesis approaches, physicochemical characteristics, and biomedical applications
You may watch the following disturbing YouTube videos. They are not even hiding it anymore. Moreover, the comment section is mostly on our side!
Another superb explanation why graphene and graphene oxide can magnetize your cells is linked in Matt’s post here:
High body temperatures of corpses is only mentioned by the Japanese investigators so far. Could this be the link between radiation and the shots?
Prof. Dr. Nagao mentioned that at the time of the autopsy some dead bodies had over 40 °C!
They mentioned the スパイクタンパク (spike protein) as the culprit, but for me it's a sign of radiation through reduced graphene oxide in the body that was still being excited by external radio waves such as 5G.
Thank You Okisuke.
Is there anyway to detox from the poisons?
I’ve been scheduled for a nuclear stress test (which I doubt I really need)…
I’m thinking of cancelling after reading about what is injected for the “test”..
I’ve not received any jabs in years. I don’t trust ANY injectables!